expo-net.cz | |
网站标题: | Exponet |
网站简介: | Event ManagementOrganizace konferencí, společenských eventů,formálních i neformálních firemních akcí.více informací IT konferenceAktuáln |
关键字: | ICT konference organizace konferencí konference event management firemní akce společenské akce recepce rauty bankety neformální akce formální akce |
playzone.agency | |
网站标题: | PLAYzone | Tvoříme gaming v Česku a na Slovensku |
网站简介: | Nabízíme více jak desetileté zkušenosti s pořádáním herních akcí a online marketingem v herní komunitě. |
关键字: | pořádání eventů akce na klíč eventová agentura online marketing živý přenos esport akce |
datakal.eu | |
网站标题: | Event and Festival Management and Database Software | DataKal® StarBase® is a world-leading unique |
网站简介: | Datakal is a leading event and festival management and database software. Designed specially for managing festivals and other cultural events even with ticketing support for BOCA printers. |
关键字: | Festival management festival software festival database software event management software event software event management event database ticketing software ticketing festival event boca b |
wetenschapaandestroom.be | |
网站标题: | WAS | Wetenschap aan de Stroom |
网站简介: | Wetenschap Aan de Stroom of korter gezegd WAS, bundelt alle activiteiten en projecten rond wetenschappen voor een breed publiek in en rond Antwerpen. |
关键字: | WAS Wetenschap aan de stroom stroom Antwerpen event events activiteit activiteiten project projecten lezing jongeren experiment brainshake dag van de wetenschap fusieshow wetenschapswi |
emerservis.sk | |
网站标题: | Event management | Catering | Svadby | Party servis - EMER Servis |
网站简介: | Event management | Catering | Svadby | Party servis - EMER Servis |
关键字: | Event management catering svadba party servis firemný večierok zamestnanecká party spoločenská udalosť jedlo nápoje bál ples raut recepcia svadobná hostina narodeninová party event desi |
event-promotion.cz | |
网站标题: | event-promotion.cz |
网站简介: | event-promotion.cz |
关键字: | event-promotion.cz |
sciencebg.net | |
网站标题: | Science conferences 2019 - International Scientific Events |
网站简介: | We annually hold six international scientific conferences on various topics: agriculture, ecology, technology, economy, education, language. |
关键字: | science scientific conference symposium seminar event international agriculture food ecology safety materials methods technologies economy business education research development la |
blockchainsupplychain.io | |
网站标题: | XChain2: Blockchain for Supply Chain and Logistics Forum |
网站简介: | XChain2: Blockchain for Supply Chain and Logistics Forum is a two-day event to promote education, collaboration, innovation, and research in the supply chain and logistics industries. |
关键字: | blockchain supply chain logistics houston event forum conference xchain2 |
syskonf.pl | |
网站标题: | Syskonf – system rejestracji i obsługi uczestników wydarzeń |
网站简介: | Najbardziej wszechstronne i elastyczne na polskim rynku oprogramowanie online do obsługi wydarzeń; konferencji, kongresów, eventów firmowych. Przekonaj się sam dlaczego agencje eventowe wybierają Syskonf. Załóż bezpłatne konto i uruchom system rejestracji uczestników zgodny z RODO! |
关键字: | rejestracja uczestników konferencji system rejestracji on-line oprogramowanie do obsługi wydarzeń event management system event registration software konferencje kongresy sympozja zjazdy szko |
kosbeawards.org | |
网站标题: | KOSBE Awards Official Page |
网站简介: | The mission of the KOSBE Awards is to recognize and celebrate local small business. |
关键字: | small business kosbe tools resources contest assistance event celebration recognition |
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