网站标题: CBCC your Import, ABI,ACE,AES,ISF, Customs Brokerage and Freight forwarder solutions
网站简介: Customs Brokers Computing Company provides quality ABI software and support to Customs Brokers, Foreign Freight Forwarders and Importers at affordable prices Our Import and Export packages are fully intergrated with our accounting software and all of the latest U.S. Customs requirements are covered
关键字: Customs  Brokers  Automated  Broker  Interface  Abi  Software  Abi  Software  Vendor  Foreign  Freight  Forwarder  Importer  US  Customs  Breakbulk  ISF  10+2  AMS  software  warehouse  software  Computers  U.S  


网站标题: fiscalonline.com
网站简介: fiscalonline.com
关键字: fiscalonline.com


网站标题: Information Security Forum
网站简介: With expertise and the collective knowledge of our members - the ISF delivers practical guidance to overcome wide-ranging security
关键字: security  isf  Information  Security  Forum  


网站标题:  中国运费网是集装箱海运空运运价与港口查询的物流平台
网站简介: 中国运费网,中国最好的运费门户网站,为货主出口商提供船东航期、参考运价、港口公告、整箱船期、散杂船期、货运超市、货柜租赁、空船信息、应征代理等航贸商机,并提供订舱中心、国际危规、展会信息、快递空运和港口动态诸多信息。
关键字: 物流  海运  运费  空运  船东  网上物流  港口  货代  船期  航运  运价  NVOCC  AMS  ISF  


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