网站标题: The Hampton Institute: A Working-Class Think Tank
网站简介: A Working-Class Think Tank providing commentary, theory, analyses, research, and history on a variety of social, economic, political, educational, and cultural issues.
关键字: hampton  hampton  institute  the  hampton  institute  albany  ny  albany  clifton  park  think  tank  working  class  working  class  think  tank  working-class  think  tank  theory  analysis  economics  politics  


网站标题: Marxists Internet Archive
网站简介: The most complete library of Marxism with content in 62 languages and the works of over 720 authors readily accessible by archive, sujbect, or history.
关键字: Marxism  Marxists  Communism  Socialism  Marx  Engels  Lenin  Trotsky  Guevara  Hegel  archives  books  photos  images  speeches  communist  communist  theory  dialectical  materialism  Friedrich  Engels  


网站标题: Paletton - The Color Scheme Designer
网站简介: In love with colors, since 2002. A designer tool for creating color combinations that work together well. Formerly known as Color Scheme Designer. Use the color wheel to create great color palettes.
关键字: color  scheme  wheel  color  wheel  theory  color  theory  colorwheel  design  designer  palette  colorize  colorset  RYB  RGB  web  colors  webcolors  safecolors  blind  blindness  simulation  protanop  


网站标题: Forum for Electronics
网站简介: International Electronic Discussion Forum: EDA software, circuits, schematics, books, theory, papers, asic, pld, 8051, DSP, Network, RF, Analog Design, PCB, Service Manuals
关键字: electronics  electronic  EDA  software  circuits  schematics  books  theory  papers  asic  pld  8051  DSP  Network  RF  Analog  Design  PCB  Service  Manuals  


网站标题: GAP System for Computational Discrete Algebra
网站简介: GAP system for computational discrete algebra, especially computational group theory
关键字: GAP  group  theory  computational  group  theory  algebra  computational  algebra  computational  discrete  algebra  mathematical  computation  


网站标题: bamagazine.com
网站简介: bamagazine.com
关键字: bamagazine.com


网站标题: justitia-amplificata.de
网站简介: justitia-amplificata.de
关键字: justitia-amplificata.de


网站标题: daveconservatoire.org
网站简介: daveconservatoire.org
关键字: daveconservatoire.org


网站标题: Plain Theory - Plain Theory
网站简介: Plain Theory
关键字: Plain  Theory  


网站标题: teoria : Music Theory Web
网站简介: Web site dedicated to the study of Music Theory. Articles, reference, interactive exercises.
关键字: music  theory  music  software  Jazz  


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