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网站标题: | Global Education - SD73 Business Company |
网站简介: | Interactive Global Education is offering technology assisted online BC High School regular credit and ESL transition courses to International Students. |
关键字: | online BC British Columbia High School courses accredited recognized dogwood diploma ESL English as a Second Language video conferencing technology assisted learning web 2.0 distribu | | |
网站标题: | Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health |
网站简介: | The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health has a big vision: Protecting Health, S*ing Lives – Millions at a Time. |
关键字: | bloomberg school of public health school of public health johns hopkins departments academics research centers admissions preparedness | | |
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网站简介: | jest platform nauczania przez internet (e-learning) w Szkole G丑wnej Handlowej w Warszawie. System econet wspiera proces kszta砪enia w SGH - wykorzystywany jest przede wszystkim do uzupe硁iania wyk砤d體 tradycyjnych (poprzez dodatkowe materia硑 i interaktywne zadania) oraz prowadzenia pe硁ych kur |
关键字: | e-learning e-edukacja e-nauczanie nauka econet kszta砪enie sgh SGH Szko砤 G丑wna Handlowa Warsaw School of Economics Centrum Rozwoju Edukacji Niestacjonarnej BOS BOS SGH e-edukacj | | |
网站标题: | Loyola Press: A Jesuit Ministry: Catholic Religious Education publisher |
网站简介: | Loyola Press is a Catholic publisher offering 3-Minute Retreat, books, ministry resources, articles, and educational program support. |
关键字: | catholic publisher catholic curriculum catholic books catholic textbooks catholic school catholic education religious education 3-minute retreat parish ministry catholic articles christ our | | |
网站标题: | 飞行学校 Flight School Flying Academy |
网站简介: | 我们在训练飞行员拥有逾10年经验。在捷克共和国飞行学院是一家领先的飞行学校。为与来自世界各地的学生,我们的飞行学院很骄傲。我们位于捷克共和国,在欧洲的心脏。我们有两个空军基地,一个在布拉格,捷克共和国的首都,一个是在布尔诺,捷克共和国的第二大城市。 |
关键字: | Flying Academy flight school EASA jaa pilot school commercial pilot ATPL European Flight School PPL license ppl licence commercial pilot airline pilot 0-atpl zero atpl zero to atpl inte | | |
网站标题: | Flight School Flying Academy |
网站简介: | Flight School Flying Academy - EASA/JAA flight training managed by airline pilots |
关键字: | Flying Academy flight school EASA jaa pilot school commercial pilot ATPL European Flight School PPL license ppl licence commercial pilot airline pilot 0-atpl zero atpl zero to atpl beco | | |
网站标题: | Ecole de Commerce IDRAC Business School à Amiens, Bordeaux, Grenoble, Lyon, Montpellier, Nantes, Nic |
网站简介: | Ecole de commerce et de Management IDRAC Business School à Amiens, Bordeaux, Grenoble, Lyon, Montpellier, Nantes, Nice, Paris et Toulouse, forme les futurs professionnels du Marketing, du Management et du Commerce en formation initiale, alternance ou continue. |
关键字: | ecole de commerce ecole de management management et commerce business school | | |
网站标题: | Hong Kong International Stationery Fair |
网站简介: | Organised by the HKTDC and Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd., the Hong Kong International Stationery Fair takes place at the HKCEC, offering a range of stationery and back-to-school items, including artist’s supplies, children’s stationery, computer accessories, office equipment, gift stationery, pen & |
关键字: | Children’s Stationery amp; School Supplies Writing Equipment Paper amp; Printing Products Gift Stationery Office Supplies Computer Accessories amp; Consumables For Office Equipment | | |
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